Capture! Get info of Sigelei Fuchai Vcigo K2 kit
Sigelei Fuchai Vcigo K2 kit is a new 175W mod that brings all the features we have come to expect from any new Fuchai product. It’s a little bit large at 87 mm long but strong Zinc alloy casing, high-grade industrial machined -glossy, light and portable. In the hand, the premium look of its gaming-inspired design with the playful yet stylistic tones are going to translate into premium feel – appeal to a large group of younger customers. Sigelei Fuchai Vcigo K2 is a relatively compact mod considering the dual 18650 larger batteries, and this kit will accommodate tanks up to 30 mm with no overhang issue. Sigelei Fuchai Vcigo K2 kit is also regulated by an advanced chipset, supporting POWER mode, TC mode and TCR mode. All these are displayed via a 0.96” TFT color screen. The decent bright screen provides just about every detail of your vaping status, battery level and all kinds of setups, including wattage, resistance and battery status. Another fascinating feature of this des...