What will vapor from vaping (the condensate) do to our lungs?
Well, first, PG was already being used in the medical field as a solvent in formulations used to treat lung diseases, which are then inhaled by those patients. The first modern e-cigarettes were invented around 2003 by a chinese pharmacist. Little wonder that he would use what was already being safely used in Medicine to create his first e-liquid formulas. Check out the links below: yes, PG in all of those formulations. Formulations that are then used on patients with lung diseases and in very weak health conditions.
Quote: "One of the major challenges the researchers faced early on was finding a substance that could be mixed with the cyclosporine to enable patients to safely inhale the drug without irritating their throat or lungs. They decided to combine the cyclosporine with propylene glycol, which allowed the drug to be administered as an aerosol. Novartis Pharmaceuticals provided the cyclosporine powder, which was then compounded by the researchers."
Can you imagine the doctor's reaction if the patient suffering from a lung disease said to him, "Doctor, I'm getting desperate here. I'm feeling much better now, and it's been three days since I had my last cigarette. Can I have just one cigarette, please?"
And yet, that same doctor has no problems about having his patient inhaling PG-based vapour.

What does the condensate do to patients with asthma or COPD? Apparently, it helps them to reverse the harm done to their lungs by smoking. Because by using an e-cig exclusively, they have, in fact, stopped smoking.
And then, of course, there is the position on e-cigarettes taken by Public Health England:
Quotes: "The current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking"
"Nearly half the population (44.8%) don’t realise e-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking"
"E-cigarettes are not completely risk free but when compared to smoking, evidence shows they carry just a fraction of the harm. The problem is people increasingly think they are at least as harmful and this may be keeping millions of smokers from quitting. Local stop smoking services should look to support e-cigarette users in their journey to quitting completely."
"My reading of the evidence is that smokers who switch to vaping remove almost all the risks smoking poses to their health. Smokers differ in their needs and I would advise them not to give up on e-cigarettes if they do not like the first one they try."
"All of our local NHS Stop Smoking Services now proactively welcome anyone who wants to use these devices as part of their quit attempt and increase their chance of success"
Considering that this is an official position taken by a governmental agency, I would expect them to have carefully analysed many of the enormous evidence we have on e-cigs so far[1]. Especially, when that position clearly goes against the Government's "economical best interests"[2].

sure, a conservative estimate of "95% less harmful" may be seen as yet "too high" by many of the e-cigarette opponents. They will claim that "e-cigarettes are not completely safe" as a reason to oppose them.
As if anything in our everyday lives is 100% safe...! Well, not even bathtubs are completely safe:
Bottom line: nothing in our life is completely safe anyway, and e-cigarettes are not about tobacco harm elimination, but rather about harm reduction.
If you're a smoker, then you have all the advantages by making the switch to vaping.
If you're not a smoker who would like to take up vaping, you might be introducing new and small risks in your life. Risks that were completely avoidable to you.
And if you're not a smoker who would like to take up vaping, and you are already within legal smoking age, then it is not my place to tell people how they should lead their own lives. :)

[1] We see many e-cigarette opponents stating that "there are no studies!!!". Well, I can prove them wrong with a simple "e-cigarette" search at the PubMed site: 2587 results as of today. In one site alone. Considering that the first modern e-cigs appeared around 2003, that's an average of more than three new studies or articles, every week, for the last fourteen years.
If many of those studies were, in fact, unfavourable to vaping, would not the e-cig naysayers be quoting those same studies to support their point of view, instead of trying to scare the public with the "unknown" trump card by claiming that "we have no studies", when that is clearly not true? Why do not they not quote the studies that are clearly available? Because the studies go against their anti-vaping propaganda. Consider that.
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